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Heritage & Urban Development in Pokfulam

Pokfulam is home to one of the oldest living villages in Hong Kong, declared monuments, relics of diary farm facilities, as well as the city’s first resorvoir and first university.

In 2014, the Hong Kong government lessen restriction on land sale and development projects in Pokfulam South, raising concerns about development impact on the area’s architectural heritage and its residents everyday lives. 

Heritage & Urban Development in Pokfulam is a guidebook documenting 5 hertiage tours designed by students from the University of Hong Kong, sharing stories around each sites as an examination of  the relationship between tourism, heritage preservation and urban development.

Client: Dr. Gary Wong, The University of Hong Kong

I created a set of icons for each of the sites, creating a design system that is both intricate and distinctive given the small phsyical size of the book. 

© winnie yoe 2023