A Protest Against the Monumental
A Performance"In modern art, however, the role of the tiny was usually narrowly and often negatively, framed. For much of this century, expressive power in art was correlated with impressive size"
— Curator Ralph Rugoff (At the Threshold of the Visible: Miniscule and Small-Scale Art 1964-1996)
A Protest Against the Monumental is a sculpture-performance about the rejection of dominant powers.
The piece was intially a response to a peer assignment, in which a classmate gave me the prompt to make something as big as my size. In the performance, I asked the same classmate who gave me the prompt to put the cage on me and I stayed inside the cage in the silence until someone decided to release me. The atmosphere shifted from humorous to discomfort, as the gaze shifted from the audience to me.
— Curator Ralph Rugoff (At the Threshold of the Visible: Miniscule and Small-Scale Art 1964-1996)
A Protest Against the Monumental is a sculpture-performance about the rejection of dominant powers.
The piece was intially a response to a peer assignment, in which a classmate gave me the prompt to make something as big as my size. In the performance, I asked the same classmate who gave me the prompt to put the cage on me and I stayed inside the cage in the silence until someone decided to release me. The atmosphere shifted from humorous to discomfort, as the gaze shifted from the audience to me.