Title IX Investigations
Database and Visualizations Revealing Different Aspects of Title IX Investigations
I created a database and various visualizations to reveal different aspects of Title IX investigations at higher educational institutions. The site aims to share insights and find missing information around a procedure that is often confusing and lacks transparency.
1. Open Cases
Map visualization of all currently open Title IX investigations at higher educational institutions.
Schools are ranked in the number of total open cases, in descending orders, and presented with their promotional images (blurred for ethical reasons) for a satricial overtone.
2. History
Brief history and recent development of Title IX.
A marquette with latest #TitleIX related tweets is included to reflect current sentiments.
Brief history and recent development of Title IX.
A marquette with latest #TitleIX related tweets is included to reflect current sentiments.
3. Filing Process
Information about the process of filing a Title IX complaint, and common mishandlings supported with OCR investigation results and court case documents.
I created diagrams and flow charts to visualize the thought process and filing process. I chose to use supportive language, reminding viewers it is also ok to not file a case and it is important to take care of themselves.
Information about the process of filing a Title IX complaint, and common mishandlings supported with OCR investigation results and court case documents.
I created diagrams and flow charts to visualize the thought process and filing process. I chose to use supportive language, reminding viewers it is also ok to not file a case and it is important to take care of themselves.
4. Missing Data
In 2015 and 2019, the Association of American Universities conducted surveys to access campus climate regarding sexual misconduct. While they evaluated students' confidence in their institutions, it did not reflect survivors' lived experiences. This survey is set up to fill that missing data, once completed, results from a real-time database is visualized to reflect a collective sentiment.
In 2015 and 2019, the Association of American Universities conducted surveys to access campus climate regarding sexual misconduct. While they evaluated students' confidence in their institutions, it did not reflect survivors' lived experiences. This survey is set up to fill that missing data, once completed, results from a real-time database is visualized to reflect a collective sentiment.
5. About
Write up of methodology, references, and data sources.
A compiled JSON file of all open Title IX investigations is available for viewers to download and explore the data.
Write up of methodology, references, and data sources.
A compiled JSON file of all open Title IX investigations is available for viewers to download and explore the data.